Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Library funding increasingly going to online database subscriptions.

We have spent many hours listening to various librarians (public, school, college and university) talk about an increasing amount of the yearly budget going to pay for online database subcriptions to journals.  One new study by Scientific American has shown that requiring a subscription to a journal does NOT increase article citation.  That was a shocker and here is the study. 


The relevant bit of the study is here:  "Nor is Davis convinced that OA benefits are as significant as some of the recent research has claimed. Davis headed two previous studies, the most recent of which was a randomized control trial for OA research. In 11 different physiology journals Davis's group randomly allocated research articles to be published OA or not, and tracked their usage and citations. The results, published in 2008 in the British Medical Journal, found that although OA articles were downloaded more frequently they were not cited significantly more than non-OA articles."

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