Friday, October 22, 2010

Question of the week: What sorts of classes do you take to become a librarian? (with thanks to Dan)

Here at Syracuse, we take core classes and electives in the MSLIS program (Master of Science, Library and Information Studies).  The core fall classes are Intro. to the Library and Information Profession, Information and Information Environments, Information Resources:Users and Services, Information Resources:Organization and Access.  Additionally, Management Principles for Information Professionals is required but offered both terms (I am taking this in the fall term).  I am also part of the Black and Latino Leadership program, this is an uncredited elective class.

In the spring, I will take 2 classes dealing with Telecommunications and Information Policy and Information Resources: Acquisitions.  My two electives will be,  Creating.Managing.Preserving Digital Assets, Database Administration Concepts and Database Management. 

We also have electives which up to 6 credits can be taken in any School at Syracuse. I have chosen to transfer my 6 credits from the MBA progran ( Strategic Management and Managerial Economics).

My final 5 credits will be an internship (hopefully back at Yale) and a 2 credit independent study.

All of these classes have been discussed with my advisor, Prof Lankes, who also happens to be the Director of the Libary and Information Studies Program.

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